The harm in asking" by Sara Barron was one of the most "interesting" books I have ever read. It's quite apparent that Ms. Barron thrives on attention, and it is VERY apparent in her book that she may have been locked in a basement and ignored as a child! While the book had some funny moments where I actually "LOL'ed"-- I mostly wanted to take a shower after reading each chapter. I was genuinely embarrassed for her during some of the stories! I cannot fathom such a lonely life, nor having as much free time as she has on her hands.
Sara's writing style is choppy and somewhat hard to read as well. I think she says "insofar" at LEAST 737 times in the book!!! I still haven't decided if I can stomach another one of her books, or if I just want to go take a hot shower Instead.
Towards the conclusion of the book I think she found her "niche" in life by becoming a writing professor, this career choice seemed to really suit her. I'd like to read more on how she met her current husband as well, seeing how she was raving about how she had always been single.